Getting organized is a challenge. But we all know that it is worth it. Having an organized space will make you feel more productive, even if that space is just your closet. Use these tips for ideas on how to keep your wardrobe organized.
Organization Tip #1: Sort Clothing by Category
Our brain naturally groups similar items together. So, it makes sense to do the same with your clothing. Arranging your clothes by category can make your closet look more organized while making it easier for you to find what you need. It's a win-win scenario!
Organizing your clothing by fabric is always a good idea; you don't want your business attire covered in fuzzy lint from your favorite winter sweater.
You can also make dividers to separate your clothing categories like they do in department stores. Cut a circle into a piece of cardstock paper, write the clothing type on the top with a sharpie, and slip over your closet rod. This helps with putting clothes away and quickly finding what you want to wear.
To take it a step further, sort your clothes by color within each section. Sorting from dark to light not only helps with organization and aesthetics but also limits the risk of dye transfer between garments.
Organization Tip #2: Store Away Seasonal Clothing
As much as we love our bulky winter sweaters, there is no reason for them to take up so much space in our closets during the middle of summer. Sweaters stored away tend to get musty and dusty by the time winter comes back around. Pick a canvas storage bag to allow for breathability while still keeping out dirt and dust. For wool-based items, it is a good idea to add a couple of mothballs for an extra layer of security.

When the cold weather rolls around, exchange your summer clothing (like swimsuits, tank tops, shorts, and anything else you wouldn't dare wear in the winter) for your coats and pants.
Organization Tip #3: Do More with Hanging Organizers
When it comes to hanging organizers, they are often the most overlooked storage option that not only keeps your closet organized but also saves a ton of space. The compartments are great for anything you can throw at it, including sweaters, pants, towels, spare linens, and other miscellaneous items.
If you don't have space for a dresser (or no longer have space within your dresser), a hanging organizer can be a great replacement. With the addition of trays with compartments, you can sort smaller items like socks, underwear, and accessories.
Organization Tip #4: Bins, Bins, and More Bins
Storage bins are one of the most versatile storage options out there; once you make the switch, you'll never look back. Picking bins with ID windows to label contents is preferred (at the end of the day, any labeling system will work) to keep the organization as easy and efficient as possible. For a clean, minimalist look across your closet shelves, pick the same color of bins for consistency.

If you have a ton of t-shirts but not enough dresser or hanging space, roll the shirts and stack them vertically in a cube bin to efficiently use shelf space. This allows you to store a surprising amount of shirts in a small amount of shelf space while making it easy to view your outfit choices and pull one out without making a mess. Sort the shirts by type and label the bins to keep everything easy to find. For example, you could have a container of graphic tees and another of solid colors. Be sure you don't pack the t-shirts too tightly, as this will could wrinkle the fabric and make moving shirts in and out a pain.
You can even do the same with jeans and pants! We recommend folding your jeans and stacking them vertically so you can see each pair. Arranging your jeans and pants by color will make picking your outfit easy as can be.
Organization Tip #5: Don't Forget About Your Bed
If your bed is elevated off the ground and there's nothing under it - you are wasting valuable storage space! Check out a few underbed storage containers that you can slide beneath your bed. Beneath guestroom beds is a great place to store spare linens and towels so they are easily accessible when family and friends are in town.
You can also use underbed storage for holiday decorations, like Christmas tree ornaments or any other knick-knacks. The only limit is your imagination (and the height of your bed!).
Organization Tip #6: Garment Bags Aren't Just For Dry Cleaning
Banish the thought that garment bags are exclusively for traveling, $900 gowns, or dry cleaning. Dress and suit bags are a great way to keep rarely worn garments or sensitive fabrics dust-free and looking pristine.

Once again, labeling each bag on the clothing rack is strongly advised. It makes organizing your closet and picking your outfit stress free. Taking a moment to hang your garments in the proper storage will also save you time and money. Long gone are the days of last-minute ironing or rushed trips to the dry cleaners.
Organization Tip #7: Think Outside the Box
With a few durable storage bags, your closet can go from a hectic mess to decluttered in no time. We all have odds and ends in the closet that have no business being there. It's time to get that tennis racket, snow boots, and any other items out and free some much-needed space.
Choosing durable material bags make for added versatility in what the bag can hold and where it can be stored. When closet space becomes scarce, it's time to move the bags into the garage or attic. Don't forget to find a quality storage bag with strong handles to limit the strain of transport.
Organization Tip #8: Donate What You Don't Need
Now that you have worked your way through most of your closet, I'm sure you've started to see a lot of shirts, pants, and shoes you haven't seen in years. Most people wear less than half of their entire wardrobe. So why do we hang onto them? Clear those shelves and racks or unneeded items and see the transformation of your closet.
A great way to cut down on the excess unused clothing is by donating to your local Goodwill or any other thrift store. You get to get rid of some unwanted clothes and also help others in your community. It's a win-win situation.
And just like that, you're finished!
Well, sorta. With your closet clean, organized, and labeled, what's left? It's time to keep up with your ever-evolving wardrobe as new pieces come in and old items are discarded. We don't want to let the shelves and racks overflow with unneeded or unorganized clothing, shoes, and accessories. To keep your closet as beautiful as its become, it's good practice to set a weekly schedule to tidy up and ensure it stays as is. Now enjoy your hard work and relax.
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